Our Mission of service to the Church

Our Mission of service to the Church and to humankind can be summed up in this prayer:


God, source of all communion,

 We are filled with wonder,

 As we contemplate you in constant dialogue

 With each of us and all creation.

 In our longing to be women of dialogue, we pray for a contemplative heart:

 A heart filled with respect, recognizing in all people the traces of your presence

 A heart that in openness to other religions and cultures is able to celebrate the many different ways of being human

 A heart ready to welcome all and willing to remove the barriers we raise through prejudice and lack of understanding

 A heart that takes risks in solidarity with the poor, conscious of the need to education for justice and peace

 A heart that seeks forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity

 Giver of life, God beyond all names, give us your prophetic Spirit as we continue to enter into the dialogue of life, walking together with Saint Angela in trust and confidence, striving to realize your kingdom among us.


Our mission, entrusted to us by our Church, is education in its diverse forms, for the sake of evangelisation.


As educators, we aim at arousing the power of life and of love within each person.




  • "How is it possible to go towards a new life?   
  • It is possible by opening the doors to Christ and imitating Him in charity, that is, in becoming a neighbour to every man and woman of every language, people and nation, with great respect for the diversity of the other, both cultural and religious...You are called to “make new life”, to bring a breath of new life to the ends of the earth, knowing how to stay responsibly in the midst of different peoples, nations and cultures, so that the message of faith, hope and charity that you bring may attract people to Christ...More than ever, we need consistent witness. The Church needs men and women who, beginning with their own personal conversion, are able to offer to listening and understanding to others, together with the joy of the Gospel...In this context I would like to encourage you to continue with enthusiasm your educational task, especially at a time when young people are overburdened with an enormous amount of information and disoriented by the speed with which it is transmitted. Consequently, there is a need for an educational approach that teaches us to think critically, to discern the pros and cons of the means we use, and that can show young people a path of maturation in values...When we live the spirit of encounter, when we approach others with the intention of seeking their good, we open up our inner self to receive the most beautiful gifts of the Lord. Every time we meet with a brother and sister in love, our faith is more enlightened to recognize God. For this reason, if you wish to grow in spiritual life, you cannot give up being missionaries... "          





"Serviam" is one of the common element that...all those who create the network of the international family: Sisters, teachers, lay co-workers, parents, present and former students.