As Associate

What are Ursuline Associates.

Ursuline Associates are lay people: men and women, married or
single, who desire to incorporate in the course of their ordinary
lives, the charism and spirit of St Angela Merici, the foundress
of the Ursuline Sisters, so as to deepen their spiritual life
through contact with this rich tradition and to give a specific
focus to their outreach as they live their faith in the following of
Jesus Christ. In doing this, they draw on and benefit from the
spirituality and mission of the Ursuline Religious Institute, while
also assisting and collaborating with them. While living our
common Baptism as disciples of Jesus Christ, some aspects of
the Gospel, which are a particular part of Angela's charism and
nurtured by the Associates are:

prayer and contemplation;


unity and community;


love and service;


peace and justice,



Today, these values can only enhance modern-day individuals, families and society.

International presence

Ursuline Associate groups are present on all continents and in many countries, where they take different forms, based on
the cultural context of each group's situation and the level of personal commitment that they wish to make.
See extracts from articles about Ursuline Associates throughout the world.



These give a good idea of the variety of different groups and their undertakings.

In Southern Africa

This initiative started in Southern Africa in 2006 and is growing steadily. You are invited to consider joining this still small, but committed group, which is presently active. It involves a meeting for prayer, discussion and community interaction once a month and a certain personal minimum undertaking on the part of each Associate to some prayer and
missionary outreach.